Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nikka Costa took me on a Roller coaster

Hey Y'all,
One of my friends invited me to go see Nikka Costa at the Highline Ballroom. I will admit I only knew her single "Everybody got their something", so I was excited to listen to more of her music.

This woman was sick... I was in complete awe of her. She infuses funk, soul and blues music with lyrics that are  inspirational and powerful. Nikka's dance moves are sexy and electrifying, the woman does not stop dancing. Nikka connects with her audience in a sassy way; telling everyone "Put your fucking cameras away, we're gonna live in the moment and enjoy each other" and everyone complies.

Costa reaches out to you, making you feel like "Damn, she knows what I'm going through". In between her performance she spoke to us about feeling tired and struggling with all the negative challenges we all face in life. She talked about being stressed out day to day, trying to over come whatever it is that is preventing or prolonging our happiness; then she made it a point to say how strong and determined we all are and to fight for that happiness. I don't think I have ever felt more moved and emotional at a concert than Nikka Costa made me feel at that moment. She is one of my favorite artist ever, check out her YouTube channel at

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