Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I went up Gertrude's Nose!

Hey Y'all,
During Memorial weekend I went hiking up Gertrude's Nose in Minnewaska State Park upstate. It was a six mile hike with an elevation gain of about 600 feet. The name comes from a woman named Gertrude Bruyn who received land from a 1682 deed (I wonder how she got that?-inside joke!). We also passed through Millbrook Mt and Patterson's Pellet which were beautiful.

It was a great hike, I love being active and trust me this hike made me work. It was a great work out, targeted areas were the glutes and legs.


I made it up the mountain with legs burning and feet hurting combined with a huge surge of endorphin's. I love feeling that threshold between exhaustion and energy, there is truly nothing like it. There was even a little friendly competition among the guide and fellow climbers.

This event was booked through Discover Outdoor. They offer several excursions with detailed information providing great escapes from the busy City.


  1. Gertrude's Nose? Try Kilimanjaro

  2. Wow, I love the photos. looks like you had a great time!

  3. Hey Margarita,

    Discover Outdoors here, can we share this photo with other clients?

