Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I went up Gertrude's Nose!

Hey Y'all,
During Memorial weekend I went hiking up Gertrude's Nose in Minnewaska State Park upstate. It was a six mile hike with an elevation gain of about 600 feet. The name comes from a woman named Gertrude Bruyn who received land from a 1682 deed (I wonder how she got that?-inside joke!). We also passed through Millbrook Mt and Patterson's Pellet which were beautiful.

It was a great hike, I love being active and trust me this hike made me work. It was a great work out, targeted areas were the glutes and legs.


I made it up the mountain with legs burning and feet hurting combined with a huge surge of endorphin's. I love feeling that threshold between exhaustion and energy, there is truly nothing like it. There was even a little friendly competition among the guide and fellow climbers.

This event was booked through Discover Outdoor. They offer several excursions with detailed information providing great escapes from the busy City.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Shots! Shots! Shots!

Hey Y'all,
"I must start this blog by stating that weapons are not toys and should be handled with the most respect".
I have an array of hobbies: yoga, boxing, running, dancing, etc. One of my favorite hobbies is shooting at a gun range.
Since 2008 I have been using Sunset Hill Shooting Range out in the Poconos. They have over 45 guns and the best instructors. They assist and educate you on every weapon you use.

They have an open range split off into two sections, one is for the individuals that own guns and the other is for using their guns.

When you arrive you will fill out a waiver, give them a valid ID and will receive hearing protection, eye goggles, and a tally card. Every time you should a weapon they will mark your card and that will determine how much your bill will be.

Even though beginners are welcome, if an instructor deems it unsafe for you to shoot they can deny you access. Once, an individual did not retain the information given and could not follow their guidelines and procedures, resulting in an instructor denying them access to a weapon. Their number one priority is safety.
On this particular day, they added two new guns: CZ-527 and the Savage MK II and I was the first person to shoot both of them.



I also had the opportunity to go skeet shooting. I didn't hit any but that just means I'll have to go back and practice!



Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nikka Costa took me on a Roller coaster

Hey Y'all,
One of my friends invited me to go see Nikka Costa at the Highline Ballroom. I will admit I only knew her single "Everybody got their something", so I was excited to listen to more of her music.

This woman was sick... I was in complete awe of her. She infuses funk, soul and blues music with lyrics that are  inspirational and powerful. Nikka's dance moves are sexy and electrifying, the woman does not stop dancing. Nikka connects with her audience in a sassy way; telling everyone "Put your fucking cameras away, we're gonna live in the moment and enjoy each other" and everyone complies.

Costa reaches out to you, making you feel like "Damn, she knows what I'm going through". In between her performance she spoke to us about feeling tired and struggling with all the negative challenges we all face in life. She talked about being stressed out day to day, trying to over come whatever it is that is preventing or prolonging our happiness; then she made it a point to say how strong and determined we all are and to fight for that happiness. I don't think I have ever felt more moved and emotional at a concert than Nikka Costa made me feel at that moment. She is one of my favorite artist ever, check out her YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/nikkasbox?feature=watch.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Here Come the Men in Black!

Hey Y'all,
I attended the MIB III premiere after party held at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. When you throw in a performances by Mr.Worldwide Pitbull, Will Smith and kids, DJ Jazzy Jeff, fireworks and have some of the greatest men and women who serve our country during Fleet Week right next to you in New York City, it is definitely a night to remember.
MIB III will be out in theaters on Friday 5/25/12.
I just want to say thank you to all of the individuals who are helping to protect us, Get home safe and we love you.



Photography by Margarita Acevedo, Celina Sze, Jonathan Nizzo