Sunday, October 28, 2012


Hey Y'all,
I had a great time at Comic Con. There was a Steampunk 101 panel that I attended. I knew very little about Steampunk but this panel gave me a better understanding.

Speakers included Art Donovan, Evelyn Kriete, G.D. Falksen, Lyndsay Faye, Mark Siegel, and Paul Oliver.    
So, what is Steampunk? I think it's a Victorian industrial genre. The foundation is based on what else? 19th century technological advances using "Steam". Steam engines for example, were created changing individuals every day lives. Steam ships and railways were created making job opportunities and travel more accessible.
Some say it is based on a literary genre combining fantasy in a post apocalyptic world.
When I think of this certain thoughts pop into my head; Automaton from the movie "Hugo" and the Telectroscope created by Paul St George connecting Brooklyn's DUMBO to the banks of Thames in London back in 2008.
(I couldn't find my day pics of the scope 2008)




Steampunk fashion combines mechanical gears and contraptions with Victorian, Neo Vintage pieces like bustiers, bustles, stockings, vests, etc. There are a variety of ways to create your pieces, adding your own personal touch is encouraged.

All the speakers at this panel were great. Evelyn Kriete in particular said something that stuck with me, "Don't let anyone tell you, you're doing it wrong", "Create what you think Steampunk is and don't be afraid to use colors instead of the usual black, beige and browns".
I am looking forward to creating something unique and sexy based on this particular style. xoxo

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