Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Art is Times Square

Hey Y'all,
I must begin this post by saying that I have been a bit under the weather and forgot my camera, so a lot of these images were taken with my phone (Apologies).
Artists Wanted is an organization created in 2007 to bring together artists and buyers. This week I attended the Art Takes Times Square Event where hundreds submitted their art work for a competition and were displayed in Times Square. They set up two plasmas near Military Island for viewing. It was great to watch so many creative sides to people. The winner of the art competition was Vicki DaSilva who uses light to create graffiti.


The musical artist Twin Shadow displayed his new video called "5 Seconds." The video was more than 5 seconds long but very well done. He will release his new album called "Confess" on July 10th.
The host of the event was ?uestLove of the Roots who also DJ'd the after party. The party had a hair stylist booth where your hair was revamped to a funky style with accessories. Mannequins holding stuffed animals adorned the entrance. I loved the different outfits people wore (My outfit was pretty boring).

 It was definitely a New York Artsy sight.

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