Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 IDEAS

Happy 2012 Y'all!
I have tons of stuff lined up this year, I'm really excited. I will be going to California this year, it's a trip I have been planning for some time and I've never been there.
As you all know every January 1st is filled with resolutions, wish list, vision boards, etc. I'm  interested to hear what everyone has in mind, please feel free to share your plans with me.


  1. My Bib #2438, that’s me, making it happen in 2012, the year of change. I’m dedicated to the transformation of my body, life and spirit. December 31 was a great time to kick start my year of change, why not! Participating in the Emeralds Midnight 4 mile run was fantastic. I have encouraging friends and the endurance to cross the finish line.

    Habibah Love

  2. That's Great Habibah! I love your motivation. I feel change must all come from the heart whether it is for your body, mind, or your entire life.
    I hear your heart lady! loud and clear.
