Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Hey Y'all,
Unless you've been living under a rock which most likely would be near a tree somewhere, you may have heard about the Million Tree Program.
Million TreesNYC is a citywide, public-private program that will plant and care for one million new trees across our City's five boroughs over the next decade. It's an amazing program that has planted 856,812 trees so far.
This program is helping to offset our global warming issues and sustain our quality of life in a major way: improving air quality, water protection and wildlife habitat (circle of life people!).
I had the honor of volunteering last week and it was amazing. It rained the day before we went to Jones Woods Park in Staten Island which left the area muddy but to me wasn't a problem. I've done obstacle courses and thrown myself in mud on purpose so it was no biggie for a good cause.
The program provides gloves, shovels, trees, water and snacks. Participants should wear comfortable get dirty clothing, closed-toed shoes and a big smile on your faces.
You guys, this is a great cause and you should gather up friends, family, coworkers, etc and make a day of it!

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