Saturday, May 24, 2014

NYC and Other Past Events 2013-2014

Hey Y'all,
There has been a good chunk of my blog that has been dormant. It's due to a sports injury. I was diagnosed as having a herniated disc located in my spine. Because it is in the neck area it has created discomfort throughout my right arm (BLAH!!! Right?).
Doctor's orders are to limit my physical activities, undergo physical therapy and acupuncture to see if we can fix this situation I have.
I did however attend a few outings and events but because I wasn't fully able to participate I didn't post any of them.
Here's a short recap:

My Yearly New Year's Eve Run. My injury wasn't severe yet. I did have a great time in cold NY weather. I never get tired of Central Park's fireworks, it's a celebration for every runner.

Start the New Year Polar Bear Swim. I dressed up this year but arrived a bit tardy for the party, I was in the second to last wave in the frigid waters. It's always a great time and so soothing to my body muscles after my run hours prior. The cold water helps to bring down the swelling.

GOT premiere. Need I say more? I miss hating Joffrey ( Jack Gleeson you are an amazing actor)

Gaga closes Roseland Ballroom. I grew up in the neighborhood and have walked past this place for years. My first concert at Roseland was Stone Temple Pilots. This 1919 NYC venue used to be a segregated dance hall (Can you believe it?). It was so sad walking in and out of this place that final night but seeing Lady G there was a crazy experience. Even though I'm not one for selfies in bathrooms, that's exactly what I did in there! XOXO Rose!!

Holi Hai! is a celebration of equality and to welcome Spring. Participants wear white to bring out the color powders in this festival. It was my first time participating and the day was amazing. Everyone was so nice and pleasant to be around (no rowdy people). They had music, performances, food and most of all unity with everyone. People threw colorful powders all over each other's faces and clothing. Dancing together and creating an amazing energy between us is something I have never experienced before. This is a must next year!

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