Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Running into 2-0-1-3

Hey Y'all,
Like clock work every year I attend the midnight run in Central Park. I always enjoy the costumes and energy from the people I run with, it also seems to be getting bigger with every year that passes.

New accessories for this year are LED lights. Runners rocked LED gloves, sunglasses, bracelets, etc.
check out Glow City
The event takes place with a party, after which everyone gathers in the corral. Once midnight strikes we are welcomed into our run with a firework show, You are so close that your body feels each spark that goes up.
It's funny because even though we are in a race, so many of us are in a trance watching the fireworks; it takes us a while to hit the starting line.

During this run you come in contact with so many spectators cheering you on in the cold, handing out high fives and words of encouragement, they make you feel extra special.
Up by Mile 3 they have a water station and apple cider station, I usually take the water side but this year I decided to try the apple cider (Bad Idea- I couldn't stop burping).
This race is always a great way to end the year, I love it.
Have a Great 2-0-1-3 New Year to everyone! A special thanks to a person who inspires me and shares these moments with me.

1 comment:

  1. You Go Girl!! Next year I may run this with you!! WEPA!

