Thursday, December 15, 2011

Running to December's Finish Line

Hey Y'all,
This year I began running after hearing about my 2 friend's Marathon achievements. Listening to their enthusiasm while talking about running made me want to run too. I wanted to feel the same excitement they felt.
One of my friends (who will remain nameless and Yes! he does exist) says "Running is the only sport where it doesn't matter what size, weight, or age you are, Anyone can run!"
I began giving myself small goals. First I ran a 3 mile, 4 mile and then I caught the bug! I started training for the NY Half Marathon. Throughout this I decided to begin my 9+1 qualifying program for entry to the 2012 NYC Marathon.

So far, I have completed 7 runs plus my 1 volunteer day. Nearing the end of 2011, I only need 2 more runs to qualify. I am extremely excited at being able to achieve this goal I set for myself this year. Next year I will have an even bigger goal to set. 
I am thankful to my 2 friends who have trained with me and supported me along this road. They are always there to push me and educate me on how things should be done. I am a lucky woman to have AM and JL in my life.

For more information on races check out

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Your right, I'm hooked I finally got over my fear of running and repeating “I CAN’T DO DAT!” but, I can do it. It’s been 9 days after my first 4 mile run and I’m still on a high. I’ve now registered for another 4 mile run February 25 in prospect park and I… can’t wait. I always say, overcome the notion that you must be regular. It robs you of the chance to be extraordinary.

    Thanks for the encouragement Margarita!!

