Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How To Tackle The Con!

Hey Y'all,
Whether you buy a one day, three day or a four day pass, there is never enough time to see everything at the Con.
The best way to tackle this monster is to have a plan. I usually make it a point to see something in each section.
First step is to download the NYCC mobile app. That way you can click on any specific events you want to go to (this will also alert you when you have chosen a conflicting event for the same times or any overlaps).
Narrow down the hours of operation in each section (The website will have this). If you know how much time you have at each area you will know where to start and end your days at.
Next, you want to find out if there are any photo ops/autographing sessions you wish to attend (additional costs may apply $). These sessions are for about an hour and are extremely popular. I suggest arriving in the designated queue at least 40 mins prior to the signing.
There will be a variety of panels and screenings (usually free) which are scheduled. This will be your next tackle. Pick one or two that you are interested in and again show up early. So, as you can see what will usually take an hour really takes longer so make sure to block off enough time to get through the crowds,wait in your queue, participate and head to your next event.
You should then proceed to Artist Alley where you can meet some of your favorite artists and writers (you can also purchase some of their stuff there).
The Block is a great place to check out. It has tons of exhibitors. I always enjoy purchasing something from there. I enjoy BeeFy & Co., Rocklove Jewelry and Tokidoki.
When you have free time in your schedule head over to the show floor (Level 3) there you will find an array of booths: Walking Dead, The Tower of T-shirts, Comic Books, Posters, etc.
You should take the opportunity to snap some fun shots of people in costumes (they will be everywhere). Take advantage of the free sign-ups and get free stuff. There will be gaming booths where you can check out new releases (there will be a line at each of these).
This is my fourth year attending and I always manage to miss one or two of my scheduled events, so don't fret if you don't get to everything. It can be a bit overwhelming, so please take in the ambiance, relax and enjoy.
NYCC has a section on their website for first-timers and what you should bring to the event, so please check it out, it will help you a great deal.
Hope to see you all in 2015!

Autographing by Robot Chicken

Seth Green from Robot Chicken 

Kill Shakespeare

Artist Alley 

Robert Hack

The Block


Tower of T-Shirts

Breaking Bad 

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