Saturday, April 27, 2013

Coachella 2013- Week 2

Hey Y'all,
As many of you have guessed I was MIA in Cali for my second year at Coachella Music Festival. This year was better than the last. I attended the Filter Yacht Party, finally found HotShot and had a delicious Pink's Chili Dog (which I missed).
This is the second year the festival takes place during two weekends, they estimated 650,000 people at the event. I find the busiest day is Saturday, it takes me approximately 45 minutes to pass the first check point! (ayyyaaaii) but well worth it once you get in.
This has got to be my favorite event of the year. I get to listen to music all day, relax in the sun and get a huge workout in the process. Jumping around dancing and walking from one tent to the next is no stroll in the park(Happy Endorphins = No Sleep).
Thank goodness no sandstorms! but even with the great weather you can't imagine the amount of grass, dirt and sand that goes up your nose throughout the day. Everyone wears bandanas,especially at night to protect themselves.
Here are my favorite bands this year:
-Yeah Yeah Yeahs
-Cafe Tacvba
-Major Lazer
-Wu Tang Clan
Here's to another lovely sleepless party trip!

Aerie at Filter Party

Free Underwear and Bras! 
(No I do not smoke, they gave us mini perfume samples-That's what that is)

Fruttare Tent


Karen O- Yeah Yeah Yeahs

Gotta Love these guys!


Cafe Tacvba

Coachella Snail that crawls everywhere



Janelle Monae

New Order

La Roux


Wu Tang

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Civilian Military Combine on the Intrepid.

Hey Y'all,
This weekend was the Civilian Military Combine crossfit competition and it was sick!
This race structure has been carefully created, refined and reviewed by the top strength and conditioning coaches from the Cross Fit community, United States Armed Forces and USA Triathlon Organization Race Directors.   
There's the Warm Up area at the beginning, then the PIT area consists of 3 basic movements and it is designed to be the great equalizer by leveling the playing field between power athletes and endurance runners. The CMC PIT is in an AMRRAP format where each competitor is encouraged to complete as many rounds & repetitions as possible" (AMRRAP) for a 7 minute time period which consisted of:
7 - Push press (75lb Males/ 45lb Females)
7 - American Kettlebell Swings (44lb Males/26 lb Females)
7 - Jump over Burpee Box Jumps (20 Inch Box- Universal 
for Male & Females) Courtesy from CMC site. 
Next comes the mountain run with military obstacles that included running up and down the stairs with a sand bag, Climbing over walls and through barrels to name a few. 
It was a great event and the fact that it was held on the Intrepid Pier made it extra special. 
This event is definitely on my list! A Huge SHOUT OUT to the participants and CMC for making this happen.