Friday, May 17, 2013

FOX Upfronts 2013

Hey Y'all,
The FOX Fall lineup is up. Returning shows include The Following, MasterChef and New Girl. Some of the new shows are Almost HumanGang Related, Sleepy Hollow. I'm excited to see the comedy Surviving Jack with Christopher Meloni, love him! The show is about a dad named Jack who has taken on the role of parenting his children while his wife attends law school. This should be quite a change from dealing with the melancholy special victim children.

The Bacon Brothers performed! Yes, that is Michael and Kevin Bacon's band. They were great, you can tell Kevin really enjoys singing and playing the guitar, I only wish there was more room to dance.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy 20th Anniversary SELF Workout in the Park

Hey Y'all,
I attended SELF Workout in the Park in my New York City and it was amazing! What can possibly be better than working out in the well known Central Park and sampling products from great sponsors that benefit you?


It poured early in the morning but subsided once everyone started lining up. We had great weather, so great that thunderstorms didn't begin until after the event was over and I set foot inside my house OH YEAH!!!
The event had both CancerandCareers and the Robin Hood Foundation charities participating. I love me some Robin Hood!
Special appearance from Bethenny Frankel, founder of Skinnygirl Daily.


To help celebrate, Victoria's Secret gave us a look at their VSX Sport along with a $10 Dollar off coupon.

Rumsey Playfield was transformed into a workout beauty wonderland: three sections consisted of the Main Stage, Quiet Zone and Reebok Toning Zone. The other areas were filled with tents by Calvin Klein Euphoria, Wendy's, Skinnygirl Daily, Sweet'N Low, Zico, CRUNCH, Garnier and Green Mountain Coffee to name a few.

I took the Crossfit (WOD) which kicked my butt and had me drenched, literally. One of our drills was doing push ups (which I suck at) so once I lowered down I couldn't pull myself back up resulting in me hitting the ground with my body and wetting my clothes with the rain that fell hours earlier. I call this my bad ass workout! My goal was to perform every drill regardless how wet and dirty I got. Next was Fat Burning Pilates sponsored by Sweet'N Low. Great workout, I really stretched out; bonus, Sweet'N Low gave away pink yoga mats. With over 20 classes to choose from, they had something for everyone.

Garnier provided us with mini facials, Wendy's fed us a delicious chicken salad and Zico gave us coconut water that was so refreshing after all the sweating we did.
The cost for this event is $20 which you cannot beat, not only do you take all these classes and get free stuff you also receive a year's subscription to the magazine. Can you say AMAZING?
"Happy 20th SELF! I look forward to next year!"